Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spring thaw!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring is here???!

We are trying to update our world.  We have a new look and we are trying a new ditty.

   What do you think?

                         Safety is interesting!
                         Safety is challenging!
                         Safety is fun!
                         Safety is for everyone!

Remember that what children learn today, children teach tomorrow!

And a view of Max the Safety Dog and Seemore the Seal. They are drafts for now.

Max, the Safety Dog
Seemore, the Safety Seal




Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our new look!

We have been updated!  And we love the colors!  Look for us, we will be out and about!

Exciting times!

We are in the newspaper!   Here it is!  We are so excited to have others read about our safety program!  We are trying to raise funds to reprint our activity books.  All the books will be donated to children.  If you are interested please email to:!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

1st day of spring!

While Sara and Sammy are getting new looks!  It is still snowing -

Happy Spring from the Sara Safety group!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Around our Neighborhood!

Nana and her friends went to Harts Turkey Farm for lunch and I was invited to come along. Mr. Hart was kind enough to pose with me!

And lunch was delicious!
Thanks Mr. Hart!

Leaving Disney -

After 3 wonderful days, we had to leave Disney.  My Mum and Uncle went to Satellite Beach with Olivia. Aunti and Nana prepared to leave.  Aunt Barb already left.

Nana and Aunti had help with the bags for the car!

Our next trip will be to Rhode Island and Connecticut but not until spring.
We hope you enjoyed our trip with us and remember - KEEP SAFE!