Friday, February 21, 2014

Researching our way to Richmond!

Feb. 5, 2014

We departed Alexandria, VA and travelled on US Route 1 (aka Jefferson Davis Highway) toward Richmond, VA.  It was a beautiful day!

We visited Dunfries, (we were told it was the oldest town in VA on US Route 1) visitor center and were referred to Occuquan, VA visitor center

Off we went to find a wonderful small town. We visited the Occoquan Visitor Center  and spoke with
Mr. Chris Bury.  We found that the center is on Mill Street and that Mill Street was the original US Route 1! 

We continued on our way passed Quantico Marine Base, several new developments. Tidy and clean highways and buildings.

Nana took pictures of old fashioned houses and gas stations.

Still on US Route 1 we arrived at Fredericksburg, VA and followed Princess Ann Street also old US Route 1. We stopped in at the Fredericksburg Tourist Center where we met more very nice people who give us information.  What a trip!

Needless to say, Nana took us with her to the rest room.

                                      An adult should always go with you to the restroom.

Our departure was marked by a promise to return to this wonderful, historic city and the place it holds in the history of our country.

Small towns, old houses, barren fields and closed businesses were seen and recorded as we headed to Richmond.  Nana was disappointed when she found the Richmond's Route 1 was a bypass, with little to actually see. The end of the day came and we found lodging.